1 12-15 Pound Turkey
1 carton of Turkey or Chicken Broth
1 Tablespoon of Onion powder
1 Tablespoon of Garlic powder
1 Teaspoon Poultry Seasoning
1/2 Teaspoon Sage
1 Tablespoon Kicken Chicken Seasoning
1 Teaspoon Smoked Paprika
1 Tablespoon Salt
1 Container Garlic Butter
Land O Lakes Butter Balls
1 Lemon
3 sprigs of Thyme
3 Sprigs of Rosemary
Preheat Oven or Roaster to 350F degrees
Clean Turkey Well, by removing gibbets, neck and organs from inside of Turkey. Wash Turkey well, inside and out and drain. Move Turkey to a large pan or cutting board, pat Turkey dry with paper towels so you can season Turkey. Next in a small bowl, mix all the dry seasonings together, onion powder, garlic powder, poultry seasoning, sage, chicken seasoning, paprika, and salt. After seasoning is mixed, turn Turkey over with back side up, rub Garlic Butter all of the back of Turkey, then sprinkle with seasonings rubbing into turkey. Next add some of the Onions, and Celery to the bottom of the roasting pan and add roaster rack to pan, then add the Turkey on the roaster rack.
Next take some of the Butter balls and place all under the Turkey skin. Next, use a spatula or your hands and place garlic butter under the skin also. Next rub the remainder of the garlic butter all on the outside of Turkey and inside the cavity. Season Turkey with the remaining seasoning, inside also and tuck the wings behind/under Turkey. Finally add the rest of the onions, celery, lemon, thyme, and rosemary in the cavity of the Turkey and tie the legs together with kitchen twine and pour some of the Turkey Broth, then bake at 350F degrees for 3-3-1/2 hours.